plants while tank cycling???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 23, 2006
I am new to freshwater but have a reef tank and had heard you can put plants in while cycling but want to double check about this. The tank is a JBJ nano with PCs and fertilizer substrate with gravel mix RODI water been cycling with food a couple of days ( very little food). Thanks in advance! I want to do this right and any suggestions are appreciated!

When I set up a new tank, I use dirty filter media from an existing tank and plant it heavily from day one. The "cycle" is invisible if you do it that way.
The dirty filter media is a kick start to your bio filtration. The plants, consume all of the products of the cycle directly (Amonia, Nitrite, Nitrate).
Thanks for the info! The problem is that I have just moved fairly recently and don't know anyone with a freshwater tank...would the LFS give me a piece of sponge ect.?? Although I know this may not be the best disease wise...I guess I can post on the local fish club.

trrogers said:
Thanks for the info! The problem is that I have just moved fairly recently and don't know anyone with a freshwater tank...would the LFS give me a piece of sponge ect.?? Although I know this may not be the best disease wise...I guess I can post on the local fish club.


Most LFS' will not give out filter media, but try everything to get some. Ask for filter media, buy used gravel if their tanks have it. As a last resort, see if you can buy plants in the tanks with fish (some stores will have 1 or 2 in each tank).
Some LFS even have bioballs that they've floated in a tank to seed them with beneficial bacteria that you can purchase to start your tank with. Never hurts to ask. Worst they can do is say no.
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