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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 10, 2003
So, I heard that Plants provide oxygen to the water for the fishes. I don't have any and not sure If I should get some and not even sure what kind. any help or advice or comments?

I have a 20 gallon freshwater.
5 Zebra Danios
4 Black Skirted Tetras
1 Pictus Catfish
Tank temp approx 80°f
Penguin biowheel 125 filter
Penplax corner filter

I think it is florescent? I would actually have to check when I get home. The reason I am not totally sure, is I inherited it. You push a little button on the back and it flickers for a sec and then lights up, and kinda makes the fish look different colors. Does this help? :wink:
It's probably flourescent if it flickers a little before it comes on. What kind of substrate do you have in your tank? Regular gravel, sand, etc...
It is gravel... and No. it isn't rainbow.. ha, ha :D
Also, I have a fake terra cotta planter with holes in it (made for fish tank decoration) and a big fake rock thing that looks like it already has fungus growing on it. It doesn't.... It just is made to look that way.
Well, it is most likely stock, you could keep some basic low light plants. I think there is a link for a good site with the names, try a search.
get some anacharis ... its good stuff, bright green little leaves on a long stem, it just grows and grows, and when it gets too long you chop off the bottom and stuff the tops back into the gravel

its one of the few bunch plants I still have respect for, since it doesn't grow roots in every direction from every leaf node

it will grow fine in medium to low light

see some here:
Thank you for the suggestion on the plant type. Now I just have to find it. I think I will skip petsmart this time (since they are clueless... what do you expect for $6.75 an hour summer help :eek: ).
Since I am not transporting live fish, i guess I can actually go to a 'Fish' store. :D
From my book "Popular Freshwater Tropical Fish" I checked out some low-moderate light/non critical water conditions plants and I have added them to my tank.

Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) low-moderate, not critical
Anubias (Anubias spp) low-moderate, not critical
Cryptos ( Cryptocoryne spp) moderate, notcritical

I also purchased some liquid fertilizer "Plant Gro Iron Enriched" 1 fl. oz of which I will feed fortnightly.

You can check my gllery for a pick of my tank :wink:

Anachris is great stuff, really easy, just stick it in the gravel and it grows like mad. Its super cheap, my LFS sells it for like $1.75 a bunch and since it grows so fast thats all youll ever need. As a matter of fact, I just asked my LFS to just give me the little extra floating pieces of anachris that were leftover in the tank for free, and from that, I now have a nice little supply.
Anyone know what is considered the "Bible" of freshwater plants??? I see a list of books but was wondering what is THE book of them all? thanks
Hey everyone. I am also thinking about turning my plasti-plant tank into
a real planted tank. Sounds like I'll go with one or a combination of those previous plant choices. I have heard things about driftwood. I have a plastic one of those, too. Would it be beneficial to get a real piece of driftwood at all? If so, in what way? Thanks.
Concerned Citizen
Anachris is great stuff, really easy, just stick it in the gravel and it grows like mad.

The challenge is KEEPING it in the gravel...I still haven't figured that part out. I'm replanting it almost every other day it seems. :roll: It does grow nicely though.

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