Platty Bully

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 17, 2004
Orange County, CA
I have a Sunset Wag Platty that is suddenly being a bully to the Fancy Platty. But here is the strange thing.... when I turn off the lights, he is totaly fine and they swim together!
The Sunset is twice the size of the Fancy one, and they are both males.
It is to the point that the Fancy goes to the top or bottom and hides.
He doesn't have torn fins.
Should I take the Sunset back to the LFS? I have had him about 8 weeks and have had the Fancy about 4 weeks.
It is only getting worse and I obviously can't keep the lights off 24/7.
Help! :?

FYI - It's a 10 gal with 1 blue dwarf gourami and 1 Oto
well in my experience, male live-bearers and others of the same species like to be king of the jungle so to speak and it sounds like your sunset platy is letting the other one know that. being a little tank they both can't be king. Usually if I buy mollies, swordtails, platies etc, I pick out one nice male and give him like to girls to play around with. seems alot less stressfull then multi boys in the tank.
I agree completely with kenor33. I would take back the aggressor, or keep the one you like the best, as that is a small tank for 2 males, especially without females present. :wink:
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