Platy guppy hybrids

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 8, 2017
Hey everyone just curious if this is actually possible or not. I have 1 female platy that is with guppy males I had totally forgot I had her in this due to her growing from fry and hiding she is now looking like an adult and looks pregnant to me but not sure if she is just fat. The Gravid spot is starting to get dark. I also did research on the web and people act like it can’t happy but it’s the only way she could be pregnant is from a male guppy. My question is should I try and raise these fry??? I read that still births,short lives and deformities happen in this case I do have plenty of room to raise these if you think it might work out thanks in advance and look forward to some good info and pointers
Hey everyone just curious if this is actually possible or not. I have 1 female platy that is with guppy males I had totally forgot I had her in this due to her growing from fry and hiding she is now looking like an adult and looks pregnant to me but not sure if she is just fat. The Gravid spot is starting to get dark. I also did research on the web and people act like it can’t happy but it’s the only way she could be pregnant is from a male guppy. My question is should I try and raise these fry??? I read that still births,short lives and deformities happen in this case I do have plenty of room to raise these if you think it might work out thanks in advance and look forward to some good info and pointers


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Hello Dan...

Platys and Guppies aren't similar enough to produce a hybrid. Mollies and Guppies can though. Not sure what you have going in your tank.

Thanks for the reply i am very familiar with the differences on male and female due to breeding guppies. The only way this platy could be pregnant is from these male guppies. This platy was born in one of my tanks and had grown into an adult. The mother died and this was the only one that survived so therefore I know it hasn’t been around anything else.
Update! So I think she was constipated because she no longer looks like she is pregnant. I would still like to know what you think the outcome would be if guppy males breed with a female platy. I do realize that they aren’t similar enough to do so but I was reading that there has been some cases where this has happened.
Besides the fact that this concerns two different genuses... there's another reason why these two won't interbreed. The gonopodiums of both specimens are different. The gonopore of a female is only compatible to a gonopodium of her own species or close related species. Most gonopodiums of male ovoviviparous livebearers do differ in shape which allows them to mate with just a handful of females of another species.
Poecilia reticulata and a xiphophorus strain won't crossbreed. Unless, artifical insemination is at hand.
I'd like to refer to one of my pages on my website (not a commercial site but an informative one): Livebearer intro
I've written something about the reproduction of livebearers. For I do read a lot of generalizations of how livebearers reproduce and about their sexual organs on the internet. Which I just don't agree on. So, that's why I thought it is of importance to write the correct story about this. Not too detailed but sufficient to make some things clear about this issue.
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