Playing with laser pen :)

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 23, 2012
Today I was playing with my new kitten with a laser pen and accidentally shone it into my tank, I was surprised when they all went crazy trying to chase and eat the red dot! It was hilarious and they do it every time lol anyone else Reyes this or something similar?
Try a mirror. A friend of mine did this with his Oscar so much he had to have his Plexiglas tank buffed out on the inside. Oscars have teeth and left fine scratches in the plexiglas.
Lol I haven't had oscars for a while but they are funny fish, I have heard of that with bettas but no other fish :)
I know :) I am planning a 5000 gallon heated outdoor tank next summer and oscars are defiantly on the list :p
Not sure but it never gets near their eyes because i doubt it would be good for them lol
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