Please go out and vote!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
Exercise your rights you have in our wonderful country and stand up for what you believe in!
mfdrookie516 said:
Agreed. Go VOTE! But... don't talk about who you voted for here, or bring any other political talk.

Lol... That's why I kept the post neutral :cool:
I just got back home from doing that very thing. Although I cannot tell you who I voted for and I really mean that I can't. I didn't know who some of the people are such as local judges and such. Which is probably a good thing that I don't know them it means that I have not had a face to face encounter with them :)
Just got back from voting. At least the election lines in NJ are shorter than the gas lines!
I actually had to wait for the very first time. It took me 50 minutes from the time I left my vehicle until I returned... and I was parked right at the door.
Stood in line for 2 hours to vote, and I had stopped on way home from a 12 1/2 hour shift!! Ugh, my feet were sore, but worth it. :)
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