PLEASE help Ammonia KH and pH levels are all off!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 26, 2020
Hopefully the 4 pictures I've included helps

I know this is a long time ago buut I've asked Soo many people and still no response back and your just cool calm and collected with facts.... I could've just overstocked the tank plants, decor, fish etc.. If ANYONE who is experienced/know anything, please help... The MOST detailed information about what's going on is.....

I had a Molly die today... Buuut I'll REALLY try to make a loong story short PLEASE if you ACTUALLY read these.... I feel I've done everything right with days and days of watching/reading etc... 5 month 60 gallon tall tank like yours same thing etc 21 fish total of them community tank 6 bottom feeders with the 21... Soo EVERYTHING waas fine for months then I ONLY added two Water Wistera plants and then next day power outage happened for 20 minutes then went back on clouded the tank I have an intake sponge that held the debris etc.. theen boom ammonia spike from 0-0.5 to literally 6-8ppm DANGER!!! Every fish still has been ok except that one Molly that was (having trouble since first got him) anywho did 50% WC 2 days later 40% WC 2 days later 20% still everythings fine except ammonia?? Theen did an 70-80% WC and this WHOLE week did 10% every other day to nooot take out literally all my beneficial bacteria that waas left added Fritz-Zywme turbo start the beginning of this week said 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites next day back to ONLY danger level of ammonia.... Nooow my KH and pH levels are down.... But fluval 70HOB gravel substrate and 4 Water Wistera plants and Lucky Bamboo with 6 Vines of Pothos Plant hanging in the back opening it up just a lil more for the reasoning of your video more evaporated water and yes for the best part of Pothos.... Thaats EVERYTHING I can think of to tell you and hopefully ANYONE who is willing to read this and PLEASE PLEASE please lmk what I did wrong??? Please.... Email is for some reason I feel nobody's responded on YouTube to me when I see so many comments from other people who literally have the most simplest problems? If ANYONE can help please email or reach out here.... Sorry Soo looong but wanted EVERYONE reading this to know all my situation is.... Yess I'm adding Seachem Prime and Water Conditioner etc...


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