What do my ammonia levels level look like to you?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
What do my ammonia levels level look like to you? I am having some trouble reading, I put on a white back ground looks between yellow, and green.
I just did a water change yesterday on my betta tank. The tank is 6.5 gallons with one betta. So there is no over crowding issues.

It looks pretty yellow to me. Some water kits suggest that you judge what lvl it is when the vial is next to the white on the color guide.

Some tests always have a hint of green when people use the master test kit, but you should be good. looks like 0ppm to me!
Thank you.

It looks pretty yellow to me. Some water kits suggest that you judge what lvl it is when the vial is next to the white on the color guide.

Some tests always have a hint of green when people use the master test kit, but you should be good. looks like 0ppm to me!

Thanks for your reply, that was for my 6,5 tanks, with the Betta. I did the Nitrate check for my 20 gallon. It look like 10 to 20 ppm, is that what you get? I did a tank change a few days ago. Here is a video of my Niitrate readings for my 20 gallon thank.

To me it looks between 5-10ppm (closer to 5ppm), which is good if you just did a water change! What fish do you have in that tank?

It would be unlikely for it to be between 10-20pmm after a water change unless it is an overstocked tank, but it looks fine (looks to be on the lighter side in the video).

Just remember it shouldn't exceed 30pmm at any time no matter the tank and you should be fine! But yeah it looks to be at 5ppm. Let me know if you need help with anything else!
Thank you.

To me it looks between 5-10ppm (closer to 5ppm), which is good if you just did a water change! What fish do you have in that tank?

It would be unlikely for it to be between 10-20pmm after a water change unless it is an overstocked tank, but it looks fine (looks to be on the lighter side in the video).

Just remember it shouldn't exceed 30pmm at any time no matter the tank and you should be fine! But yeah it looks to be at 5ppm. Let me know if you need help with anything else!

Thank you for your help. I just did a water change a few days ago.
I have 5 glo fish tetras, 4 red eyed Tetra's, 5 spotted cory fish, and 4 panda corys, and one small spotted cory that is for my 20 gallon fish tank. I'm not buying any more fish. Again, thanks for your help. :thanks::dance::fish2::fish2::fish1::fish1:
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