PLEASE HELP! Is this ich? I'm baffled!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 30, 2004
Tifton Ga
I posted just the other day on this ich problem I have on some clown loaches I recently purchased. I put them directly in the 10 gallon QT 2 weeks ago today. I had already run the heat up to 86F prior to putting them in. I knew a couple had ich when I bought them but I thought I could treat it in the QT. Well today I still see what I think is ich. Mostly little whitish pimples on the fins. I see the fish flashing every now and then. I've had the heat no lower than 86 and up as high as 91F (when light is on). It has maintained 88F+ for most of the time. I put in some aquarium salt 1 tablepoon/10 gallons) after 1 week b/c I could still see spots. I have used Melafix according to label since Monday. I even put in some Malachite green at the 1/2 dose rate one day, then did a water change 5 hours later b/c I'm afraid of toxicity to the loaches. My water parameters are: ammonia and nitrite are nondetectable, nitrates always run around 30 - 40 ppm. The pH is 7.6 - 7.8 and the water is hard but I can't remember the level exactly right now.

So, today I'm leaving town for 5 days. I'm planning on putting a light timer and an automatic feeder on my QT. I hope the ammonia doesn't build up from overfeeding. There are only 3, 1.5" clown loaches in this tank. Today I put in some Pimafix in case fungi are responsible.
all is well

Got back from my trip and my clowns in the QT look great. The ich is gone. They have been in the QT for over 3 weeks at 88-90F with salt. They all look very good and seem happy. I'm putting them in the main tank ASAP.
Good to hear. :D

I had heard clown loaches were sensative to salt. You had no problems? Just curious. I love clown loaches and would like to get a small school of them.
salt and loaches

I had no problems with the salt. I used 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt per 10 gallons of water. My loaches looked pretty bad when I got them. One of them had severe ich and the fins looked very frayed. I bought them b/c the striped patterns looked different than those I was used to seeing.
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