Please Help with my Texas Cichlids 2!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 31, 2010
Hi,it's Mike67 again.I see the parents as being good.The mother picks them up,what looks like roll them in her mouth and spit them back out.The father picks up strays and spits them back with the brood.I would like to know when or if I should move the fry soon.I know that the parents will want to spawn again and may or will,eat the fry to accomplish this.This is their second batch,in about a month.By accident,in my ignorance of breeding,killed the first batch.They are young and work fast!!Also they are all,in a 25g tank.I was thinking of moving the fry to a 20g tank,that is a saltwater setup right now.I'm just waiting for my 45 g to cycle,so I can move everything to it and have the 20g,cleaned and ready. As the fry grow,they will start to be over crowded.I would like the fry to mature enough to sell,trade or give away.This is and has been,a great learning experience for my kids and I.
Or should I move the parents?
Thanks,any help would be appreciated!!
I would just get a 10 gal and set it up as a fry tank, but at that point you have to think about how often your gonna be selling them cuz they can quickly outgrow a 10. If you can move them quick the 10 will be perfect. You could also try taking them to your lfs to get a credit on them. Just a thought
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