PLEASE HELP!! Zig zag eel

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 7, 2014
I cannot find my zig zag eel. She has been missing since yesterday morning. She is housed in a 60 gallon with a Fluval 304 filter. Is there any chance she could have gotten in the filter? Could she survive in there? I've searched the entire aquarium and moved the rocks. Please help! I have attached a picture of her. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1403199031.573163.jpg
You should probably check all the part of your filter. Also, is there a lid on your tank? There could be a chance that it jumped out and you didn't notice.
Is there a chance of her being alive in there? And yes, there is a lid on the aquarium and it is glass. I have checked all around the outside of the aquarium just to be sure she didn't get out. It would be nearly impossible for her to get out, but I have checked. I'm just hoping I can get her out of the filter safe if she is alive.
It's basically a 50/50 chance of her being alive. Just take apart the filter and flush out any long tubes. Another question, how big is she?
What kind of substrate do you have? I bought a peacock eel about 6 weeks ago and only have seen it twice. Both times when siphoning the sand during water changes. Yours could he completely buried like mine
What kind of substrate do you have? I bought a peacock eel about 6 weeks ago and only have seen it twice. Both times when siphoning the sand during water changes. Yours could he completely buried like mine

In her pic it shows that he is in gravel. So I don't think she could have buried herself.
Yes, there is gravel. Also, she is very curious and friendly and it is out of her character to be hiding.
Bad news. After cleaning all of the aquarium & all of the filter, came to the conclusion that the frontosa in the aquarium ate her. The frontosa is in a feeding frenzy now; she is attacking all of my fish and trying to eat them. She has never shown this kind of aggression and I've only seen this behavior with fish that have eaten another fish. I have removed her so that she does not cause any harm to my other fish. So upset that she did this! :( but at least I caught her in time before she grabbed my small parrot fish or any other in the aquarium.
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