Pleco vs Sand Gravel

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 9, 2013
Hi guys, I've bought two plecs for my tank and after doing research found I need to do water changes at least every week (which I already do) but have to clean the gravel thoroughly too with a gravel cleaner to get rid of the plec poo.

However I have a very fine gravel, like sand type of stuff. How do I clean this without all the water going all cloudy from disturbed gravel?

I have a gravel syphon cleaner for my other tank which is normal size gravel, but that will just suck the fine gravel up.
If you just whorl the syphon or your hand over the substrate gently it will raise the detris into the water column where you can syphon it out.
If you just whorl the syphon or your hand over the substrate gently it will raise the detris into the water column where you can syphon it out.

Ok I'll try that.

If you just whorl the syphon or your hand over the substrate gently it will raise the detris into the water column where you can syphon it out.

+1. That's almost exactly what I do with my sand bottom tanks. The only difference is that I stir up the sand and let it settle again so that the debris is sitting on top.
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