Pleco white color? Or parasite

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 8, 2013
Tampa, Florida
I have a normal pleco and he has white stuff on his belly and sides, I thought it was something else and I tried to treat it. I used the same medicine that I used to treat ick because it was for parasites or something too. But it seems to have no effect. I still think it's a parasite because my chiclids scratch themselves on my sand. Since the medicine doesn't work maybe he's just whiter because of my bright white sand
Hey sorry for long response time, given that you have treated for ich with no result have you considered treating for fungus?. Looking at your Pleco I cant really see anything more that what appears damage/discoloration from scratching and stress which he could be showing from the previous attempted treatments and possible underlying illness. Have you considered adding salt to your tank, I believe its 1tbsp for every 5 gallons this will help with healing.
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