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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 25, 2012
Hi guys, so last week i got two balloon belly mollies. The male is perky and the female is a bit sluggish. I have 2 males for 5 females and she is not being stressed out by the males. She is eating normally and acting slow and sluggish. Upon further inspection, she seems to have a bubble over her eye. The bubble is mainly on her pupil but some is still on the rest of her eyes. The bubble is on both eyes, but one eye more than the other. The tanks last water change was thursday. And the params are normal.
I bought some melafix to treat her with but i have some questions

Should i Treat the whole tank or should i remove her and treat sepratly?
I have a 10 gallon but there is a beta and some mystery snails in it, could i move her to there and then treat her?
Is there anything else i can do for her?

Thanks guys

( cant get a good pic because she moves fast and The bubble is clear)
Today her " good" eye is looking slightly puffed out, and her bad eye looks less swollen. Can anybody help?
Hi! You mentioned her eyes had 'bubbles'- do you mean clear bubbles on the surface of the eye or the eyeball itself is bubbled out/swollen/protruding? Are the eyes cloudy? What size tank is she in now? Have you treated with anything yet? Is it possible she may have been injured being netted, bagged & transported home? Is anyone else showing symptoms? How did you acclimate them? Without pics, its a bit hard to try & figure out whats going on here so try to do your best to describe her condition. It sounds like it may be a bit difficult for you to treat her by herself. You can move her to the 10 but the betta/snails would then have to be moved elsewhere.
jlk said:
Hi! You mentioned her eyes had 'bubbles'- do you mean clear bubbles on the surface of the eye or the eyeball itself is bubbled out/swollen/protruding? Are the eyes cloudy? What size tank is she in now? Have you treated with anything yet? Is it possible she may have been injured being netted, bagged & transported home? Is anyone else showing symptoms? How did you acclimate them? Without pics, its a bit hard to try & figure out whats going on here so try to do your best to describe her condition. It sounds like it may be a bit difficult for you to treat her by herself. You can move her to the 10 but the betta/snails would then have to be moved elsewhere.

It looks like there is a bubble Over the surface. The good eye isn't cloudy but the bad one only looks cloudy because of the bubble. Shes in a 55 g and i haven't treated her yet. I didn't fully examine her eyes when i bought her so she may have had them when i bought her. Nobody else has these symptoms, not even the male i bought from the same tank.

The 10 gallon has plants in it. Should i remove them aswell?
Thanks for your reply!
Ok, popeye (when eyeball protrudes from swelling/fluid buildup) doesn't exactly sound like what you have but please let us know if this what you are seeing! Treatment for true popeye is different than what I am going suggest.

Ok, if what your seeing looks like just a bubble on the surface of the eye (cornea) & not the entire eye, I have seen this once before & I will be honest, I do not know exactly what it is or what causes it. I purchased 3 fish from a breeder a few months ago. One developed clear bubbles on the surface of its eyes within a few days. I suspected maybe a ph difference but then the other 2 would have been affected as well & they were drip acclimated. One bubble then got cloudy & next day popped. Bizarre! The fish seemed unaffected. By the end of the week, everyone had ich (maybe ich had something to do with bubbles?). So, they were treated with .3% salt for 2wks & the bubbles disappeared with treatment as did the ich. Coincidence? I don't know but I never found an exact answer for what it was.

So, that's my take on the 'bubbles'. I would qt, watch closely for ich & treat with salt based on what your fish can tolerate. If there's any swelling of the eyeball itself/protrusion, add erythromycin to the treatment. I would also watch your other new fish closely as well. Good luck!!!
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