Porcelain Crab

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 31, 2005
Can I Have 1 In My 10 Gallon Reef? I plan on keeping corals , 1 clownfish a peppermint shrimp and a feather duster , What Do They Eat? TIA
Tito2491 said:
Can I Have 1 In My 10 Gallon Reef? I plan on keeping corals , 1 clownfish a peppermint shrimp and a feather duster , What Do They Eat? TIA

I have about 5 that came with our live rock, they are pretty cool to watch. I don't do anything special, and they have been living well in my tank (more than a year now). I believe they scoop stuff in floating around in the water.

Good luck to you
ya they are easy keepers, filter feeders no special requirements
klam said:
Would these crabs benefit from some phytoplankton dosing?

I'm pretty sure they do, at least thats what I've been told. I was dosing small amounts of Micro-vert (for the crab, numerous feather dusters and filter feeders) which I believe is the same thing as phyto-plankton. They also love Brine shrimp.
Actually mine get plenty from the frozen food I feed my fish. They come out with the fish at feeding time and start sweeping like crazy. Been in the tank for months, growing and molting normally.
I would skip the phytoplankton. No need to add extra nutrients to the water column when they will eat what you already put in there. IMO
Actually mine get plenty from the frozen food I feed my fish. They come out with the fish at feeding time and start sweeping like crazy.

That's exactly what ours do. And man are they thriving! Occassionally, when a sizeable chunk floats by, they'll grab it with their claws and stuff it into their mouth!

Even though they're opportunistic feeders, I've never seen them go after anything they shouldn't have.

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