Possible Hydra Infestation?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 2, 2012
Pretty much overnight I've noticed that there are white spots all over the inside of my tank. On closer inspection, they seem to be clusters of very small strands anchored to the glass. When fish near them, they seem to curl up, otherwise they wave in the water. My mollies and gourami seem to pick at them but my plecos and snails eat them voraciously. Could they be Hydra? I checked a few different websites and from what I can see Hydra seems most likely. I do have some plants in my tank I bought from the LFS. Should I be concerned about them, if they are Hydra? Or should I just consider them a supplementary food source for my bottom feeders?

I aso just recently added a big chunk of Mopani wood to my tank, it was too large to boil so I washed it with kettle-boiled water then soaked it in declorinator. Could this be where its from?
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