Possible Marine Ich?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 28, 2009
St. Augustine, FL
Today my mom surprised me with a new fish but my quarantine wasn't ready so I was forced to put him in my DT. It's a Strawberry Gramma and it seems as though he has white white dots on his body, almost like ich. Is there any medication that I could use in the DT that wont hurt the coral that I got? I know that you're not suposed to use copper medications in tanks with corals and other inverts.

Thanks for any help!
The more that I look at it I don't think it is. If it was would I be seeing the dots all of the time? I can only see them sometimes and then I only see them for a second so I think that it may just be my mind playing tricks on me because he looks fine in everything else. He doesn't have any of the other symptoms: no cloudy eyes, no pale skin, seems to have a very good appetite, and isn't struggling to swim/inactive/having trouble breathing.
They dont stay on the fish all the time. They`ll be on for hours and then they fall off and they`ll go to the substrate where they will rupture open and over 200 small ones called tomites will come out and re infest the fish. Keep a close eye out. You`ll be able to tell. They`ll look like they`ve been sprinkled with salt.
I'll be sure to check it a lot. So if it is in there I should move all of my fish to my QT, does this include my snowflake Eel?
I imagine he`ll need to go also but it will be hard on him. You might need some PVC pieces for him to hide in. I hope he will take the hypo well.
My QT is set up with some live rock and argonite, is that okay or should I remove the LR and argonite and just leave it bare bottom with PVC. Also, would the two perculas, the Gramma, and the eel live in the 10g okay for the time while they go through treatment if there is ich.
Live Rock is fine to use if trying to initiate a cycle in your QT, but otherwise QT should be bare bottom with a heater, hob or sponge filter, and just pvc or inert plastic decor. A 20g would be better for them and the eel should be ok with a hypo treatment. If you want to go the expensive route you can purchase Chloroquine.
I know that a 20g would be better but If I do have to would a 10g suffice, that is all I have right now and don't really have the money to buy a new tank for it unfortunately.
The more that I look at the fish I don't think that they have ich. None of the other fish are showing signs and I don't see any on the gramma. His fins just seem to have a naturally shiny purple tint, is that correct?
Like I said if they had ick you would be able to tell. They`ll look heavily sprinkled.
Ok, I'm not seeing any heavy sprinkles but for the next couple of days I will keep a look out. I was probably just being paranoid, I tend to do that sometimes. I'll keep you guys notified.

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