post death tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 15, 2004
so everything in my tank (well my whole 2 fish ;) ) just died of marine velvet (in my show tank). how long should i wait before adding anything? i read somewhere that you should let a system lie fallow for 4 weeks after a die-off. also, ive been using prevent-ich (reccommended by my LFS). he said that would clear up anything left in my tank. is this true?

and another thing- do yellow coris wrasses go after shrimp? i was thinking of getting a pair of them and a percula or ocellaris, along with two or three shrimp (any reccommendations? peppermint?) and a couple feather dusters to restock the tank. right now its just LR. oh the tank is 20G 20LBs LR/2in bed LS w/ protein skimmer, powerhead, and hang on the back filter (200GPH). appropriate stocking set up?

thanks for any help you guys can give me.
Let it be fishless for 4 weeks, make sure you feed the biological filter during this time though. I don't know what prevent ich is, or what is in it, so I can't say whether it works or not, I can assure you that waiting 4 weeks works.

do yellow coris wrasses go after shrimp?

I think so, not sure but most large wrasses will eat crabs and shrimp.
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