Post your videos!!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 11, 2011
Planet Earth
Thought this might be a fun thread and if it been done. Shut me down and call it a day lol.

Let's see those videos!
I'm working on a new one. Hopefully I'll have it up by tomorrow. Suppose to have real bad weather here today. Were activating the emergency response plan at 1pm.

Plus I'm waiting for my stinkpot to get here ;)
Convict2161 said:
I'm working on a new one. Hopefully I'll have it up by tomorrow. Suppose to have real bad weather here today. Were activating the emergency response plan at 1pm.

Plus I'm waiting for my stinkpot to get here ;)

Really? I haven't checked the weather yet.
Your not getting a turtle :/ ill be waiting for the vid
Andrew McFadden said:
Really? I haven't checked the weather yet.
Your not getting a turtle :/ ill be waiting for the vid

Yea suppose to bad here. And I wish I was lol. Video soon!
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