Potassium ferts without unwanted trash?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 17, 2014
What's a good potassium fert for when I'm trying to be careful about my nitrates, phosphates, and pH? Would K2SO4 be what I need?

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I use that for potassium. Remember in a planted tank you want nitrates at 10-20ppm (I prefer 10ppm) and phosphates at 1-3ppm. These are both macro nutrients that plants need.
I know and I have N and P through my fish. I'm not sure what kind of food (if any) has K. I have Omega One right now. Wouldn't the fish need K as well?

Isn't API Leaf Zone basically K and Fe?
API Leaf Zone is potassium and iron. What levels of nitrate and phosphates are in the tank? You may or may not have proper levels without using macro ferts other than potassium.
I know and I have N and P through my fish. I'm not sure what kind of food (if any) has K. I have Omega One right now. Wouldn't the fish need K as well?

Isn't API Leaf Zone basically K and Fe?

Be careful with using the fish as your source of ferts. I dont know anything about your tank, but if your high/medium light then its likely this wont be sufficient in the long run

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That's why I test. N and P still builds. That's why I'm being careful about those two. I usually keep around 15-25ppm nitrate and 1-2ppm phosphate. I change water weekly to keep levels down. Also have been going crazy with the glutarol @ 30mL every couple days (in a 29g tank).

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