Power Filter

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 1, 2006

I just bought a 29 gallon aquarium kit. I got somethings with it. The power filter that came with it is a Aqua-Tech 20/40 Power Filter. I was wondering if anyone can give me some backround info on it? See if its a decent power filter or not. Please tell me what power filters anyone recommends me getting. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

They are not the greatest filters. If you are planning on having only a few small fish, I wouldn't bother with buying another filter. But if you are planning to stock your tank to even moderately full, I would look into an aquaclear. You can customize your filter media and change out sponges/carbon as needed wiith out having to throw it all out at once like you do with the aqua tech.
If you do decide to get another filter, keep the aquatech around. They come in handy when you need a temporary hospital/ qt tank.
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