Pregnant Platy?????

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 25, 2011
United States
I know that she doesn't look big now, but does she look pregnant at all? Thanks!


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That's great! I'm thrilled! From here babies will probably come in a few weeks right?
She appears gravid, but it could still be while. Platys look to chubby all the time, but I think she seems to be in the beginning stages, so she should get bigger. IME, they get fairly large before actually dropping the fry.
Updated pictures.


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absolutangel04 said:
She appears gravid, but it could still be while. Platys look to chubby all the time, but I think she seems to be in the beginning stages, so she should get bigger. IME, they get fairly large before actually dropping the fry.

Thank you, I'm hoping she will have fry in about 3 weeks. Is that a good estimate?
Some friendly advice IME the plastic breeder (if you're planning on even using a breeder) stresses the fish waaayyy out, I ended up getting the net kind and putting a few plants in and my platys were fine. I also hung it by the filter so a small amount of water trickled in to help keep it circulated.
With my swordtails, I like to let nature take it's course. I just leave them in the community. As long as you have some plants, they should be fine. You'd be suprised how many survive.
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