pregnant tetras???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 28, 2003
Virginia Beach
How do I know if my tetras are pregnant. 3 out of my 6 serpae tetras look pregnant. Right now it just looks like they ate more than the others, but they are definitely bigger. And because they are partly see through, you can see they have a decent pouch. And one of my black tetras had a bigger stomach, it is the bigger one of the two. But now it looks as though it went away. If they are would it be better just to quarantine them, or get one of those bredding things? Someone please help
this mite help it mite not but when mollys are pregnat they are fat and just before they drop there belly go's flat...i dont know if it is the shame for your fish but it mite be....? hope it all go's well for you..

good luck in your fishkeeping
whats your feeding diet? What and how often do you feed them?
What kinda tetras are they?
How long have you had them?

Umm i would go for the little hang on breeders beacause that change would be less stressing than a new tank...
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