Prime overdose?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 10, 2006
is it possible to put too much prime into water? i heard that this stuff was very concentrate.
Anything is possible to overdose. Whether it would harm or not depends on the amount you dose. If you dose 2 or 3x the prime, I would not expect any harm to come of it. If you dose 10x the prime, I would suppose it is possible for the fish to suffer adverse effects. Usually it would be extremely difficult to overdose prime to the point of causing harm to the fish.
Prime "desolves" after 24 hours. So if you do overdose, watch the fish closely for about a day. I agree with Anne, 2 or 3x overdose I wouldn't expect any harm.
Hey cool FF, I didn't know it dissolves after 24 hours. Good info, thanks. You learn something new everyday.
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