Project Cube Cancelled.. Going nano cube

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 12, 2003
Springfield, MO
Hey everyone,

I just posted earlier this week about my intentions for an Anemone/clown show tank, however I have had a change of heart. As cool as it may be, I just don't feel ready to do it. Sooooo im going JBJ instead. My plan is to have a goby/pistol tank. I am circulating the nano through my 120G system (I know... I know, that is cheating and im not a true nano man) but the stability:cost for doing it is way worth it for right now. Anyhow, anyone out there have a pistol/goby pair going? If so what species have you been succesful with, do you recommed any literature, and what are you using for substrate... Whew.. okay im done. Thanks everyone.
I have a yellow goby that has blue spots. I acutally have a pair. And a tiger pistol shrimp.

The substrage should be a mix of sand and crushed coral. You can do a 100% sand substrate if you want or mix the CC and sand so its in a 90/10 mix of sand and CC.

Be aware that the pistol may not be as public a show as you want. I can tell you I see a quick glimpse of mine every few weeks. Of course I dont stare at my tank daily either.
I just got a pistol shrimp for my yellow watchman a couple of weeks ago and they paired off the first night. I see them quite a bit. The pistol spends his time moving sand like a bull-doser and the goby brings him food. Very cool. I have 100% LS substrate.
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