Puppy help!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thank you! Had to go to school today, mum stayed to watch them. My friends are so fed up with me and my puppy talk right now lol. They are just SO CUTE! I'm having separation anxiety, not them!

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Ministry of Magic
Too cute! They look like poodle or maybe terrier mixes. Have fun and good luck with all the new cuteness.

They are golden/mini poodles according to the rescue

Delivered via owl
Ministry of Magic
So a little update on my baby demons!

"Dude, why are you outside!?"


"Why is there water in the tub?"

"Rub my belly!"

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Ministry of Magic
Learning about fish!

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Ministry of Magic
Beautiful pup's :)

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
16 gallon vampire shrimp and snails
Dangerous things hiding use caution!

Check all gum, mints, toothpaste and many other items for Xylitol. HIGHLY toxic to dogs. Even friend's purses, backpacks, etc!!!

Find a after hours emergency clinic/vet if there ever is an emergency and keep the poison line phone number for dogs handy. Before something happens.

Check the toxic stuff like raisins, onion, chocolate. Seeds from stone fruits -arsenic, Avocado seeds, maybe the skins, house plants, yard plants like Lily of the Valley and lots of others! Puppies get into everything and dig up and chew up unbelievable stuff.

Things/ mainly toys with Mercury and button batteries, even little kids toys can be very dangerous. Like blinking light up balls. Stuffed toys...that talk batteries bad stuffing bad too.

LOTS of exercises to keep them stimulated.

Very cute!

S and start saving money for the vet bills, shots, and learn how to trim them yourself if you can, to save a ton of money. Our little dog, a 6 lb rescue Poodle, now passed, lived for about 17 years, don't know for sure how old but we had him over 15 of those.

You can make/bake them your own treats and save money too!
Plus one on the trimming - outrageous prices. I know they do a good job at the pet store but money that could go elsewhere.
I've made them about a thousand treats and chews so far- I do these great soft peanut butter treats for training and then a special recipe in multiple flavors makes these awesome chews for them. It's really easy, a few cups of flour, a cup ish of whatever you want the flavor to be (I've used berries, sweet potato, pepper, carrot, chicken, rice and a few others), and some water or milk until the mix is sticky but rollable. Bake for ~20 minutes.

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Ministry of Magic
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