purple coral ID please

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 6, 2004
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I got a rock with about 5 different corals on it the other day. I recognize some of them, but there are 2 purple ones that I am not sure about. the first one is kinda leathery and now has lil sprouts comming out of the fingers with the center of the sprout a glowing green. The 2nd one is/was squishy. I think the LFS destroyed it when she was putting it in the bag. Any ideas what they are.

Also, I have a 3rd pic that i found when moving the rocks. There are a couple fuzzy balls on the rock. Thanks in advance.
#1- Pachyclavularia violacea, Green Star Polyp

#2- Parazoanthus axinellae, yellow polyps.

#3- Need a clearer image. I don't think it's a colonial worm.

Thanks for the replies. Now that I look at the pic#2 the camera didnt focus on what I wanted Unless I am mistaken and the Yellow polyps have a purple mat. I will see if I can get better pics of those. Thanks again.
FLbeachbum said:
Unless I am mistaken and the Yellow polyps have a purple mat.
No they don't. If you have the software, circling the area needing the ID where there is a group of corals/animals makes it easier. :wink:

Star polyps have the purple mat and the yellow polyps are encrusting. Star polyps will spread pretty quickly, given favorable conditions. Are these the neon?
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