Python question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 13, 2004
Hyderabad, India
I am looking for a gravel vacuum for my new 29Gal since my 10Gal gravel vac is too small. I am eyeing on buying Python 25Ft. My question is My tank and the Sink are at the same level. So can I pump the water out eventhough they are at the same height. Also can I connect this with my Powerhead to pump back the water into the aquarium. I am planning to mix the water in a container and then pump back into the aquarium. Any ideas ?
As long as you have a fairly decent drop between them, it shouldn't be a problem. The flow of water from the tap should be enough pressure to fill the tank without using a powerhead.
The height shouldn't make a difference. The water is being pulled up by the pressure of the water from the sink. You don't have to pre-mix the water to put back into the tank. Just python it back in, add dechlorinator, and you are done. You can pre-mix but I can't offer any advice on how to do it by still using the python. If it were me, I would just dump it in with a bucket if you still wanted to pre-mix.
The water from the faucet creates a vacuum (siphon) in the tube. The vacuum draws the water from the tank and into the sink. On the powerhead, I agree with Fishy. If the water is in a bucket, it would be easier to just dump the water in unless you are working with a large volume of water. If you must use the python and bucket, I am not sure how well you could connect the hose to the powerhead.
Yes, it will work. If sink is lower than the tank, the siphon will be greater. If the tank is lower than the sink, the suction will be less but still good enough for tank cleaning. I have a 10 gal tank on the bottom of a rack near the floor. The Python still works for it. The water flowing from the faucet uses the Venturi Principle to create a vacuum, which creates the suction in the python.
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