QT Tank cloudiness?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 16, 2010
Coeur d'Alene, ID
Hey all.

I'm having a big issue with cloudiness in my quarantine tank. Currently, I have two tanks, both 29 gallon freshwaters. One tank is established and cycled, six dalmatian mollies. The other day I picked up the additions to that tank, six lyretail mollies, and I am holding them in the new, seperate 29 gallon.

The new mollies are from Petco, and their health (externally at least) seems fine, save one who is a little "flimsier" than the others. Since they were placed in the tank, they have been hanging around the heater all day. It doesn't concern me, as my old mollies did the same thing for a while.

I'm holding the new mollies in this tank for about 3-4 weeks, and next Friday I'm adding a gourami that will go into the other tank later. I'm not going to bother keeping up with cycling this new tank, as I'm just going to empty it once all of this is done and start over to make it a saltwater.

Anyway, the water has become very cloudy, and is filled with little pieces of something. It was like that since later in the day that I purchased the mollies. My levels seem to be fine despite all of this.

So far I have done daily water changes (about a 50% one today), removed objects inside the tank and rinsed about 75% of the gravel just a few minutes ago. I get talked into doing a lot more than I should be doing because family members freak out over the cloudiness and want me to try a bunch of different things when they have no idea what they are talking about.

Does anyone have an idea as to what's causing this or what this stuff is? My only guesses are that it's remnants of old food (Again, family liked to feed them without telling me, but I just ended that problem and I figured at least some of the food should be out after the gravel rinse) or something is wrong with my filter. Because of a prior experience, I cut the carbon filter cartridge and removed the carbon, are these pieces of the cartridge fiber coming off and floating around?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I'm thinking of changing some objects around in the established tank. Taking out old ones, putting new ones in. I know adding has no effect on the bacterial colony, but removing does. How can I effectively transfer bacteria to new objects without destroying my colony?
Cloudiness has improved a little after the gravel rinse and water change, there's nothing floating around in there. However, it might just be my head, but it looks to be clouding up very, very gradually. Anybody?

Also, the question the the post above, and can I add another fish to the tank tomorrow?
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