QT with Aquari-Sol ?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 26, 2006
Clearwater, FL
I bought a bottle of Aquari-Sol yesterday indending to treat my tank whenever I add new fish to avoid having Ich again. Then I read it's active ingredient is copper sulfate - which nixed the treating of the entire tank because I have a snail (soon to have more snails) in there.

I also have 2 betta's, each in a 2.5 gallon tank. I'm getting a 10 gallon for them next (which, of course, I'll properly divide). I thought I'd use one of the 2.5s for a QT. Since I only intend on getting smaller sized fish (the largest I'm considering is a dwarf neon rainbow) I thought it might work out.

I figured I'd treat the 2.5 with aquari-sol - I REALLY don't want ich again - can you tell ? Figured it would be good to kill off anything else that might be affecting new fish and also figured it could reduce QT time to a week.

What do you think ?
I don't recommend adding chemicals to your tank for no reason. If you want to ensure no illness in the 2.5 raise the heat to 86F with no fish in it for 2 weeks and add some active carbon to the filter. That will kill off any remaining ich parasite that might be in there. When adding new fish to the tank it is always a good idea to QT the fish first. That way you don't introduce illness to your main tank. Make sure you cycle the 10gal tank before adding the fish.
Thanks - I'll be cycling the 10 gallon with some squeezing from the 29 gallon - all signs of ick were gone about 10 days ago.
The 2.5 doesn't have any illness and houses one of the bettas that will move to the 10. I was going to reuse the 2.5 as a QT, and that is the tank I was going to add the aquarisol to during the QT time for any new fish. Does that make more sense or do you still think it makes more sense to QT in the 2.5 w/out any meds ?
I was hoping that QT'ing in the 2.5 with the aquarisol could reduce the QT time to a week, since it IS an awfully small tank - but I figured its better than no qt at all.
I've heard so many good things about aquari-sol. I must have picked up a bad batch though because it never worked for ich in my tanks. In my opinion it would be better to use heat or salt than aquari-sol because you can't really pick up a bad bottle of salt at the store- it will always work. Give it a try and see how it works though and hopefully you've got a good batch.
I used the heat method on the 29 gal w/out a problem - works great. I didn't add salt because I was afraid for my panda cories.

I've heard good things about Aquari-Sol also which is why I thought it might be ok to use it as a prophylactic in the QT.

Sorry your batch didn't work. I have read that it is only for mild cases of ich, maybe your case(s) was already too far advanced.

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