question about 2-part cal/alk additives

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 17, 2004
San Diego, CA
my current level of calcium is 470, my alk iis dkh=8.4, i would like to get the alk up a bit, should i jut add the second part of my warner calxmax solution to bump the alk or should i add both parts and just have high calcium? any thoughts?


sorry about no caps and typos, typing this with one hand while i hold my newborn, hehe
Adding just one part is fine... Right now that is what Im doing because the oceanic salt has a high Cal level so adding part one is not necessary. Just keep a eye on them both till you get it balanced out.
Don't worry about shooting for specific ca and alk levels. As long as your ca is between 350 and 450, and alk is between 8-12 dkh you are fine. If you really want to raise your alk I would wait until your ca level falls to 400, then bring your alk up to 10dkh with some reef buffer. At that point you can start using your 2 part additive again.
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