Question about cycling... just starting

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 18, 2004
Oregon USA

I am brand new to the hobby and set up a 10 gallon about 5 days ago. I added 3 wagtail platies about 4 days ago to start the cycling. I have been testing for ammonia everyday and am getting readings of 0 each day. No nitrites or nitrates either.

I used Bio-safe to condition the original water and then used Bio-coat when I added the fish. Oh, and I also used two teaspoons of Stress-zyme when I added the water. No other chemicals other than that.

I feed very very small amounts twice daily ( two flakes of Tetramin). I expected to see some of the effects of cycling by now... Is this normal that I would see no ammonia or nitrates?

Thanks for any help.
it is quite possible to not see any ammonia readings yet! What type of test kit are you using(strip or test tube)? I think it will be just a matter of patience!

BTW.....Welcome to AA :n00b:
I am using test tube tests for ammonia and strips for nitrite/nitrate/ph/hardness/alkalinity. I guess I was surprised as so many things you read say that as soon as you add fish, you get ammonia. Here I was all ready to do water changes etc. to keep the fish alive and they seem to be pretty darn happy.

Thanks for the welcome!
tubes and liquid tests are better than the strips, IMO. It'll take a few days. Could take weeks. I applaude your use of test kits though! Way to be prepared!
If you're only starting out with 2 fish in a 10 gallon tank it may take a while to start cycleing. I used the same chemicals and sea salt, which will be important as the ammonia builds.
I just read that putting some gravel from an established tank will help cycle..anyone try it?
I just read that putting some gravel from an established tank will help cycle..anyone try it?
Absolutely. If you can use any media from an established tank--gravel, filter squeezings, a fiter pad from established tank in the NEW filter, the bacteria are already present and the cycle will not be as rough on the fish. If there is enough bacteria, there won't be a cycle at all :D
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