question about eel's!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 23, 2004
I have been doing alot of research on fireeels and other kinds of eels. I have been really wanting to get a fire eel, or some type of eel for my tank. The lady at the pet store told me that, she owned a tire track eel and it ate everything it could fit into it's mouth, even a tiger barb. I read on the net that tiger barb's was a tank mate for eels. Then my friend told me that he owned a zig zag eel and it left all of the fish in the tank alone. So my main concern is that does anyone think that would a fire eel or some kind of eel have for lunch all of my other fish, or would it be fine?
Fire Eels are awesome...they're so beautiful. Then again..all eels are awesome. :mrgreen: All I can do is share my experience with owning eels and maybe it could point you out in a decision. (Remember this is just my experience and it could vary depending on the eel itself.) First off if you're concerned about the other fish in your tank...I'd consider the size of the tankmates. Generally anything carnivorous will potentially view anything that can fit into their mouths as a food source. (Learned this the hard way too many times.) The Fire Eel that I own will eat nothing but live shrimp but I wouldn't underestimate him eating smaller fish when he is larger. At the size he is right now...which is about 9 inches he isn't posing a threat to other fishes as I noticed. He just watches them pass by and minds his own business. (I currently haven't been able to witness him eating anything else but live shrimp, or get him to eat anything else for that matter.) Where as the Elipsifer Eel and Peacock Eel that I own eats only frozen bloodworms. I have yet to own a Tyre Track Eel, really wouldn't mind having one of those. :D One thing you might want to consider in making your decision is what size tank you plan to house your eel in, what type of fish you'll be keeping them with, and what kind of hiding areas you'll be giving him...and a tank cover is not an option, you'll need one (they also jump). Also, what kind of gravel, substrate, etc you'll be using. They really like to dig and hide...even with sand substrate my fire eel has injured himself more than once trying to catch shrimp or digging around. Hope I could be of some help if anything. :?
Fire eels get 3 feet in length!

fhq....etc is right that size matters. A 3" eel can be a formidable predator to barbs; a 6-inch eel might try and grab at smaller fish, but would probably only get neons or cardinals.

If you're really sure you want an eel, make absolutely sure that your tank is very well sealed. They are escape artists, just like ropefish. Oh, and make sure you have a big enough tank.
Well I currently own a 37 gallon tall tank with 2 Bala Sharks, 2 Dalmatian Molly's, 2 Panda Corydoras Catfish, 9 Danios. Is a 37 pushing it for the eel? I just don't want the fire eel to eat the dalmatian molly's. Those are my girlfriend fish. I bought them for her, and she is in love with them. Here is another thought that I thought of last night before I was going to bed. Well I have this ohh I think it is a 20 gallon hex tank. Well I thought about setting that one up, for the molly's and other's, and just have the bigger tank for a eel tank type theme. Like get a few viloit guppies AKA dragon fish, and different type of eels, and loaches. Do you think that will work? or not? :D
I have a 60 gal community tank and have two peacock eels. I put them in the tank with loads of fish including baby neon tetras... they've never touched any of the fish. Very peaceful and sweet... They lay in the gravel with their faces poking out all day. It's funny watching the corys 'sniffing' around and over them for food. And even though they're buried most of the day, they have great personalities when they come out to stretch their fins :D
I think that would be a better idea zao. Although the 20 gal hex might be a little small for all those fish. But if you are real worried about the molly's, I would at least get those out until you can see how aggressive the eel is. The bala's should be safe in the 37 though, and would enjoy it a lot better than the 20 considering how active they usually are.

37 Gallons might be pushing the limit for an adult size Fire Eel. Depends on how big the purchase size might get away with keeping him in there temporarily. They are pretty slow growing though so it could be for a while. Peacock Eels might be more suitable for the living space. However, your concern about your dalmation mollies and other fish would leads me to suggest that you do set up the other tank for them and see how it goes. I agree with Flipz with the balas though....the should be given swimming space.
As far as your eel theme tank...I've got the same idea as you with that...though I must admit that I went though alot of suggestions and advisors that told me that different type of eels most times do not get along. :? And for me it broke my wallet (and is continuing to because of the demand for a bigger tank). 8O Also, the amount of bottom dwelling critters in my 50 Gal. tank create a whole bunch of poop...and more tank maintenace is endured. But if your willing to go through it then it's so worth it. :D After you get past the safety of your tankmates and space allowance (which should be greatly considered) it's all trial and error from there if you're going to try and mix different types. In my own experience all of my eels get along great. My Leopard and Fire Eel even share the same rock dwelling. :mrgreen: It's so cute. And my clown loaches even try to school with my Leopard Eel whenever he passes by...hilarious stuff I tell ya.

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