Question about planted tanks

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 15, 2014
You will probably think this is a stupid question but how do you guys siphon the bottom of the tank if u have plants planted in it?
I have sand in my tank I just hold the tube about .25 in above to get what I can. My Cory cats and shrimp do the rest.
Plants grow roots. Roots have two main purposes for a plant wether its under water or on dry ground. Roots take up nutrients and water. They also anchor the plant into the ground/substrate. As long as you are careful when they are first planted
I use two methods. I use a 3/4" dia hose for heavier debris. I attach a chopstick
to the end of the hose an extend it about a 1/4" from the end. This helps me skim without disturbing the substrate. For fine cleaning I use a rigid 1/4" hose with ball valve to get into the tiny places. That's what I do, everyone has their own way.
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