Question..moving tanks

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 14, 2014
Hi I've currently got two small tanks running with one goldfish in each .. I have brought a 112 litre tank to transfer the shubunkin into.. He was originally brought and put into the first tank with the other common goldfish.. But the shubunkin was bullying the other one so we bought a new tank.. Which he is in now..
Anyway my question is now the new tank is 3x as large can they both go in there together?

Many thanks in advance

Sami ????? I ? My ?
only one way to find out... try it - monitor them - make changes accordingly

also: i dont know if they can crossbreed but when goldfish are in "the mood" the male chases the female

make sure your aggression assessment is accurate
Depends of size and temperament. But 112 litres is just not enough for 2 gold fish, disrefarding the agressivity issues, the bio load is too large and the common goldie needs at least 120 gal of swimming space due to his speed. On another note, i feel that no gold fish should be alone due to their social nature and interactivity with other cold water fish(mostly goldfish). Your best bet would probably keep the common alone and if you really want a buddy for your fantail, get him another fantail. Best of luck!
Hey , Yea we did think at first it could've been the shubunkin in the mood chasing the common goldfish but he got worse around feeding time & then I read somewhere that shubunkin can be bully's .. It didn't look fair on the common goldfish so that's why I brought another tank for him he's only in a 19L (lfs said it would be fine) but after more research I realised it was no where near big enough so we ungraded to the 112L which is the biggest tank we can fit into our tiny flat.. The new 112l tank will begin cycling over Xmas which was intended for the shubunkin as he's only 11months old and still very small. ( One day I want to move him into a pond ) the other common goldfish is 3-4years old an 3inch in length and has been in the tank for that period of time .. Hasn't grown... Yet I can see the shubunkin growing almost daily .. Has the common goldfish growth been stunted? Also if possible I don't really want all 3 tanks up and running (electric bills) so that's why I question if once the tank is cycled can they both go into the same tank?
Many thanks again

Sami ????? I ? My ?
3inch is quite small for a 3-4 year old common they can get v big. My black moor is 2yrs old and he is twice the size of your common. I would put the common in the 112L, also what's your feeding schedule this can affect growth rate.

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