question on planted tank filtration

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 26, 2012
San Antonio
To start off I had a bad case of BBA and don't want to deal with it again, set me backa couple weeks .. I noticed water movement is lacking in the tank so here is where my question comes to play I was wondering if I should use a internal filter rated at 400+ gph in the center back area blowing water towards the front or 2 internals rated at 160 gph one on each corner (right/left) with spray bars

Tank specs 26 bowfront currently running a emperor power filter which I'm not excited about that gasses most of my co2 :/

Thanks for any advice
The internal filter would probably be super conspicuous in the back. That's my main concern with your setup. You could get a smaller powerhead like a Koralia nano that would be a little more incognito.

So I take it from your post that you're injecting CO2?
I wouldn't mind the look of internals so much from what I've been through but have definitely seen a problem with that.. money is unfortunately a factor but I tend to save enough in manageable time periods... another factor being is I want to get rid of the emperor so would the powerheads suffice for filtration?

Yes I run diy co2 consistently with daily doses of excel
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