Question regarding bala's

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 5, 2008
Tyler, Texas
Is it normal for there mouths to bleach out? by that i mean there "face" is white.. the rest of there bodys are perfectly colored.. and i can take pics if requested.
It does sound a little like mouth fungus. Pics would def be of some help as well as tank readings. I own 1 bala and he doesn't have a bleached or white face. Hmmmmm.
I use Melafix whenever any of my fish get mouth fungus or body slime and it works really well. I also raise the temp a tad and add aquarium salt. Prehaps after I see the white I may be able to help further.
Thats probably the best way to say it.. it looks like there are no scales on there face, up to the back of there gills. It is in the shape of there mouths and comes down at an angle in front of the gills. Ill post a picture in about 5 min.. just have to get them to stop moving lol
Sorry about the quality.. cant really see it in the pics.. But they wont stop for me to click lol




My RTS also has a whitish mouth. Wondering if it's normal or not. It actually does look a little raised an abnormal. I did rescue this guy from a disgusting tank at petsmart. Anything I can do about it?
What size tank and what are your parameters? Also what are the other tankmates? Depending on tankmates you could add some melafix/pimafix to the tank as a precaution against fungus. Doing an extra water change or two doesn't hurt either.

It may be mouth fungus or hopefully not, columnaris. Are they still eating and acting normally?
My rts is in a 10 Gallon. Last time I checked the water conditions were pristine and always have been this tank has been established for 5 months now. I've only had this little guy for about 3 weeks now. When I bought him he did have the white lips I just thought it was normal. He eats fine and is always cleaning. The only tankmates I have are a few snails. I'm going to give the melafix/pimafix a try tommorow
Mine act fine, very healthy apitite... but picky as to what they will eat. That pickynes has went away recently though.. they will eat whatever i give them. My params, are always off.. i try diff stuff and it jacks stuff all over the place lol

Yesterday they read
PH 6.3
Ammonia 2ppm
Trate 20
Trite 0.25

today they read
PH 7.6
Ammo 2ppm
Trate 10
Trite 1.0
seems like your tank is going thru a cycle. the high ammonia is very bad for the fish and the high nitrites is also bad for your fish just not as bad as the ammonia.
the ammonia is due to the **** cloramine or whaterver it is in my water.. i almost am tempted to start 100% wc, just to remove all the ammonia i introduced to the system.
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