Questions about my ro/di filter.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 5, 2005
Central MA
Hey guys just another questions. I finally recieved my filter and after said and done I'm getting 0ppm from the TDS meter so that's good. But my question is the water left inside the DI canister when I'm not using it. Is it o.k. if I leave the water in there like that? Do I have to get rid of it after each use? I left it alone last week and came back to use it and some of the DI resin became brown. Normal? How do I get the water out if I had to?
It is fine to leave the water in the unit. If your worried about the water just flush the first 1/2 - 1 gal made each time you use it.
I was told my the manufacturer of my RO/DI to leave water in it. Otherwise, they say, the filters will dry out which is not good.
I agree that you should leave the water in it. When making water i allow it to flush for a minute or two like seaham said. Mine is made to keep the water in so the filters don't dry out too. Who is the manuacturer of yours?

Is it suppose to turn the Di resin brown so quickly? It was filled halfway with water. The DI resin turned brown where exactly where the water line was. Maybe I'm just seeing things. So with water within with the DI resin it wouldn't shorten the lifespan of it?
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