Questions about Zebra Loach

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 7, 2009
Ontario Canada
Hey guys,

I've had two zebra loaches for a close to a month now, and I am wondering
if it is normal that loaches or in my case, zebra loaches tend to hide alot.

These guys are a wonderful and beautiful specie, and I can't say its getting annoying, but I really want them to expose themselves more often...
Every time I watch my aquarium, They always hide in my submarine decoration, and every time I approach the aquarium, they probably sense the vibration of my footsteps and just instantly bullets to hiding... -_-
though they solved my snail infestation...

My question is, are they naturally like this? and should I do something about their very shy behavior?

also, can they co-inhabit with shrimps?:bowl:

I would also like to know more about these loaches from other aquarist's perspectives so I can gain more knowledge and also learn to take care of
them even more.

20 gallon tank
18" fluorescent lighting

fish: 3 assorted Guppies
1 Bushynose Pleco
2 Zebra Loaches

Personally I have never had them,but you might have to get a bigger tank because they probably don't feel secure enough.When you first get them they are nocturnal.But once settled in they will come out during daytime.They get to about 10 cm.
well for the mean time, i believe they seem fine in a 20 gal. Though it might be pushing their limit, i think they can handle, as far as I know, anything can happen in a year, and I do plan on getting a bigger tank in the future. they seem to just zip by my guppies without even harming them, i even saw all the guppies, one of my loaches, and my bushynose dog pile at the bottom of the aquarium cause they were trying to get a piece of a flake, hmm.. that was funny :D shoulda taken a picture.

I'm curious though, what would you suggest will fit an adult sized loach?
I read that they need a tank 36 inches.For 2, in my pinion for a zebra loach get to a about 10 cm, about a 29-30 gallon+.A 25 gallon could be fine.For another loach, it depends on the loach.Might want to add a few more real plants.
Yes that is normal, loaches like shady and darker places and do tend to hide. How can you make them come out more you ask? You can do this by shading some of your aquarium, maybe by adding some floating plants, or they do better with more loaches and that tends to make them more active.

You asked if they could co-exist with shrimp. If you think of them eating the shrimp as co-existing then yes. You might be able to fit some sort of fan shrimp which are larger.
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