Questions on a Few Plants for a 10g!

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I've gotten some fertilizer that's liquid and it's a dechlorinator, so I'll be putting it in after each pwc! It was called something like "water conditioner and liquid fertilizer 0-0-5" or something like that. I know the numbers are correct! I'm really hoping it gets my plants to be growing better :) I also got another pack of root tabs for my swords. The sprouting is growing nicely, but the other two bulbs seem dead, should I give up on them or what? Maybe grow them in a separate container?
I also got another plant that I've been planning for a long while, look at its amazingness! :)

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It's a micro sword and I've wanted it for a long while. I have plans to put black sand in so I'm not gonna put it in the gravel right now (which is why it's still in that foamy stuff) its gonna look so cool! :)
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