Quick check of fertz please

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 17, 2005

Using the sticky and the Doser (http://www.leon-huang.com/doser/) I think I've calculated the required amount of fertilisers to add per day. However, some calculations seem like I'm adding a crazy amount of one, and a tiny amount of another. Was wondering if some1 could have a quick check to see if I'm on the right track.

I've got a day schedule of what I should be adding. Since this is a goldfish tank that I'm using as my planted tank, I'm keeping in mind the level of nitrates of my tank relative to other people's planted tanks.

FYI, I'm using Seachem range of products. However, when they run out, definately turning to dry ferts (reason - COST).

20g planted schedule:

Day 1:
50% water change
Potassium (11.4 ppm) - 20mL
Phosphate (0.6 ppm) - 10mL

Day 2:
Seachem Flourish - 2mL (per bottle instructions)
Seachem Iron - 2mL (per bottle instructions)
Check Nitrate levels

Day 3:

Day 4:
Potassium (5.7 ppm) - 20mL
Phosphate (0.6 ppm) - 10mL

Day 5:
Same as day 2

Day 6:

Through reading the various past posts, I noticed that many have suggested to do things on one day, and do something on another, such that everyday a different type of dosing is required. Is it bad to do things like I've done and clumped as many as I can in one day, or will the results be similiar?

Thanks in advance for any input any1 has for me.

Edit: ops, on day 4 I copy pasted day 1 but forgot to change the number for K to 5.7ppm rather than 11.4ppm). now changed
Your PO4 and K dosages are correct. Both Fourish Potassium and Flourish Phosphorous also contain iron and, according to my calculations they will provide ample iron by themselves. That said, it never hurts to use a little extra iron. The best way to tell if you're dosing enough iron is to use an indicator plant like Wisteria or Anubias. These plants will quickly show yellowing leaves if they are not getting enough iron. Hope this helps :)
Flourish phosphorus contains iron? Serious? So it must not be KPO4 or else the iron and PO4 would precipitate out of solution.
I used the Fertilator on Aquatic Plant Central and it showed iron for both Seachem Phosphorous and Potassium. I don't have any bottles of either to check to verify that so I could be wrong. In fact, checking the Seachem website, it states that Seachem Phosphorous contains only potassium phosphate and Seachem Potassium contains only potassium sulfate. The Fertilator may be incorrect. I will check with the guys at APC and find out for sure and let you know.
After further review, the iron that is being reported for Seachem Phosphorous and Potassium is a known bug with the Fertilator. They do not contain any iron so Seachem Iron should be used. Sorry for the error :)
Thanks for the confirmation on the PO4 and K.

Though has anyone had experience using Seachem Flourish and Iron as traces? It just seems significantly less than my macro dosings, so I was wondering should I adhere to the bottle instructions, or perhaps add a bit more?
Thanks for checking into that Travis. It just sounded wrong, and I was about to hit plantgeek.net and post on the Seachem forum, cuz there's a Seachem rep that answers questions there.
Rich is right, your plants are the best indicator of iron levels. Plants like Wisteria and Anubias will show yellowing of the leaves quickly if you aren't dosing enough iron, so they serve as good indicator plants. There really are no reliable tests for iron in the aquarium so keeping an eye on your plants is the best way.
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