Quick question on interests

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 7, 2012
When you go to a fish store, what fish do you tend to go see? What fish are you likely to purchase?(freshwater only) Just a couple quick questions so I can find out what to breed in my couple remaining fishroom tanks. I've got guppies covered lol.
I go for the cichlids. Good colorful peacocks make for a good African breeder since they are so colorful.

Edit* they'll require a little growing out though to develop their colors (usually around 1"-2")

my LFS has a section marked for community aquarium compatability, so i basically spend an half hour every time i'm there looking through the selection. currently i have my eyes on celestrial pearl danios.
I spend quite a bit of time looking at dwarf cichlids such as rams, apistos, and angels. I also really enjoy watching the panda cories.
Thanks for the input! Lol this is making it harder to decide! I don't have the correct tank size for peacocks. Maybe rams or apistos instead or cories or the shell dwellers I want too lol
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