Quick question re: water change

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 2, 2004
New Jersey
I want to do a PWC but don't know if I should vacuum the gravel yet. Ammonia=<.1ppm, nitrite=0ppm and nitrate=>5ppm pretty steadily for the past few days. Also concerned about sucking up any of the babies, but I assume if they are fast enough to avoid the larger fish they will be fast/strong enough to avoid the python vacuum.

You dont vacume when ever you do a water change? Sorry, I guess im stupid cause im a newb.

Everytime I do a water change I vacume everything I can reach. I aso do about a 35% water change which is more than they say I know. However I dont do it except every few weeks.

I am a bad fish daddy I guess. :cry:
Well, I have a new tank, so I didn't know if I should vacuum or let the substrate settle a little more.

Seems to me that if the system you've got is working for your tank, nothing really wrong with it :)
You will have to watch the babies. They are curious and will often follow the vac, trying to get at the things inside. I would reccomend vacing into a light colored bucket so you can see any that go for a ride. :lol:
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