Racist Platys

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Daphnia are People Too.
Jun 30, 2011
Lincoln, NE
I love livebearers and I have kept a bunch of different sorts of platys. I noticed that my patys seem to only like patys who are similarly colored or a similar variety. My red wagtail males never paid any attention to the panda or bumblebee females. Has anybody else experienced this?
yes mine were like that too! That's funny. I had three black females and two black/orange females, and two males and a few babies and they all seemed to stick with others of their same color. The black females wouldn't tolerate anyone coming into their area.
In my experience they tend to be like that. I have painted platys and blue rainbow platys in my tank now and they only try to mate with each other not the other variants. I'm not sure why though.
Well, I am glad to know that I am not the only one! I was just trying to get some color variety, but instead they formed their own individual clans.

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