Rainbow and curviceps questions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 13, 2011
I need information about rainbow cichlids and breeding them and on curvicep cichlids and if they could be housed with rainbows and firemouths in a 55.
specifically what species of "rainbow" cichlid are we talking?

A Curviceps are shy and remain small and may very well end up on the menu (or simply harassed to death). They certainly won't breed in the presence of most larger ones.
Turns out we didn't have any Rainbows so I got 6 niceroguenses hope I slept that right.
dunno if you had insomnia - but your spelling is a bit off.

They will probably waste the curviceps - definitely if they breed. As with most central american cichlids they will breed if happy. Feed 'em, do a lot of PWC, and maybe raise the temp a tad. Provide them with some flat rocks and mini "caves" such as clay flowerpots on their sides (sometimes with the bottoms knocked out with a ball peen hammer). They will decide where to breed and when.
I haven't kept nics myself, but I'm almost positive that they will be too aggressive for the curviceps. I wouldn't try it with the firemouths either.
Ok I didn't get the curviceps but I did get 6 FM's and 6 Nic's I'm suppressed to hear you say they will get to aggressive for the FM I know they get 10inches but I have heard they are rather docile except when breeding. I was going to try for 6 rainbow cichlids but we were sold out. Hmm the Nic's did seem like the best choice other then convicts which are to easy to breed. I like a fish that requires more then water to breed.
Ok I didn't get the curviceps but I did get 6 FM's and 6 Nic's I'm suppressed to hear you say they will get to aggressive for the FM I know they get 10inches but I have heard they are rather docile except when breeding. I was going to try for 6 rainbow cichlids but we were sold out. Hmm the Nic's did seem like the best choice other then convicts which are to easy to breed. I like a fish that requires more then water to breed.

That stocking plan sounds like the start of WWIII, a pair of Nics is pushing the limits of a 55g. What's your plan with all these fish?
i think the aggression concerns were more firemouth or nic vs curviceps. Wild firemouths are colorful and docile - commercial ones are less colorful and can get quite aggressive IME. I think you're doing it right with 6 of each as long as you are ok with removing others once some pair off - with any luck you'll end up with a pair of each which can act as target fish when the others breed - very fun when they do so simultaneously....
That's exactly what I was planing to do. I was only going to keep a pair of each. And if the Nic's do get to big that's ok I will take them back. I work at a LFS and I
That kid who breeds the fish for the owner in exchange for cash or other fish that he can get in right now and needs breed. I guess Nic's have been very hard to come by so he cut me a great deal I wanted the FM so I payed half the reg. price and the Nic's were given to me in promise I will bring him back 80ish so that's what I do. Hahaha i know it's not traditional fish keeping but that's why I have 3other tanks.
HUKIT said:
That stocking plan sounds like the start of WWIII, a pair of Nics is pushing the limits of a 55g. What's your plan with all these fish?

My plan is to breed the Nic's for my boss get rid of them and see what fish need breeding next. The FM were more of a personal project I've been putting off for 2years.
A young pair of Nic's will lay well over 100 eggs each spawn, and once they start they'll keep breeding for a while. You'll need some serious tankspace to grow out any number of them properly.
That's what the 55gal long is for or the 75. I've really been thinking about switching the 55breeding tank for the 75. And making that my breeding tank. New project for Sunday. :D
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