rainbow shark and cardinals??

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 9, 2004
Brisbane, Australia
hello all

im looking to get rid of my rainbow shark as im looking to setup a rainbow tank

my friend would like my shark but she have cardinals in her 15gal tank.

would the shark attack or harass them?
would he be a menace to the bristlenose?

the shark is about 4"


depends on the temperament of the shark (almost full grown), and the space available in the tank. since it is a relatively small tank, the shark might be more aggressive than it would have been in a bigger tank.
the cardinals would be unharmed if in a school. if the shark does attack them, the aggression would be diffused.
i don't know about the pleco. might just work. the shark is more inclined to chase something that looks similar (cyprinids). but mine would heartily chase away even bolivian rams!!
I have a rainbow sark and IMO He doesn't bother anyone as long as he has his own space. Mine has a nice little cave under a piece of driftwood that he keeps to himself. He does come out and graze and eat, and other fish will swim around and under the driftwood and he deosn't bother any of them. I saw him chase the bala shark once or twice, but other than that , no problems.
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