Rainbow tank stocking

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 7, 2015
Cleveland, Ohio
I'm new to the forum and appreciate the help I've received from reading previous threads. Thank you!

A little info with questions at the end. I've currently got a 38 gallon stocked with 3 male and 4 female dwarf neon rainbows and 3 julii corys. The dwarfs are fun to watch but I'd like to add some color and would like to add 3 male bosemani's and a koi angel or two but don't want to overstock. I've read conflicting info on bosemani's getting up to 4" and others saying 6". Info from personal experience would be appreciated.

Am also wondering if they would possibly school with the dwarfs and if adding 3 males, might they see the dwarf females as possible mates making my new ratio 6 males to 4 stressed females? And lastly, would a lone angel do ok or would I be better with two?

Thanx in advance!

I've never seen boesemanis get to 6". The most I've seen them get to is 4".

I have many species of rainbows (I think 15 but I'm not even sure lol) and the boesemanis have never tried mating with any other species. The only rainbows that have tried to breed with others is the maccullochi rainbows.
Thanx for the response Pseudomugil. Would 3 be ok with my dwarf rainbows or do you think they'd need more of their own kind to feel secure?
I think 38g is too small for the activity level of Boesmanis, regardless of their size. And my understanding is that they do best in groups of 5 or more, both for schooling and spreading out aggression (you also need to pay attention to the m/f ratio so the females don't get too harrassed). Also, cross breeding rainbows is discouraged, but I don't think they cross breed easily anyway.

I have had Boesmanis and millennium rainbows in a 55 since last summer. They are still relatively small, and they use the whole tank already. I do worry that the 55 will feel a little small as they grow. The two types get along fine with each other, but school separately. There was also some aggression/bullying when I first got them, but they mellowed out pretty quickly.

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Rainbows will 'school' with other species of rainbow if there are none/few of their own. Rainbows barely even school. They more just hang out together.
Thank you both for your help!

Any thoughts on the koi angelfish instead of adding a second species of rainbows. Would it be better to add 1, 2 or 3 angels?
Only 1 angel. 2 would be very aggressive when they pair, and 3 I think would be too much for that size tank.
I wouldn't do Bosmanis or Turquoise or yellows they get fairly big and swim really fast. I would say 55g for them
Dwyn, I would also bump the number of cories from three to at least six. Those guys need conspecific pals :)
Also, google trilineatus. Most fish sold as julii are actually trils.
Dwyn, I would also bump the number of cories from three to at least six. Those guys need conspecific pals :)
Also, google trilineatus. Most fish sold as julii are actually trils.

After a search, looks more like I have Sterbai. Will try to get some pics up soon to get some input.

Instead of an angel how about a small group of threadfin rainbows? Would definitely add a different look to the tank.
Instead of an angel how about a small group of threadfin rainbows? Would definitely add a different look to the tank.

I added 10 harlequin raspora today. They added a nice touch, they occupy the top and the dwarf neons stay in the middle.
the bosimies in my 200 gallon tank are at 5" now 3 areonly 4" they dont seem to school with the dwarf neons but will with turquoise rainbows. the turquoise rainbows are bigger than my bosimies. I really like the turquoise rainbows the dominant male has a red spot ontop of his head its strange but gives him alot of character
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