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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 17, 2014
So I found another tiger barb dead this morning. The only change(haven't done a water change in about a week) is that my redfin shark has starting to get a bit territorial. I cant give water parameters, as I haven't gotten around to getting a kit. But I'm down to about 12 tiger barbs(they are hard to count), 5 serpae tetras, 2 balloon mollies, 2 cory cats(I have more growing in another tank till they are bigger) a red fin shark, a pictus catfish(hence the cory cats) and a rubber nose pleco. In a 45 gallon tank. Dont know if this helps solve the mystery.

I have a java fern, and a umbrella leaf plant(from petsmart....not sure what the deal is with that). I decided today to get some moneywart to replace a plastic plant. Im trying to transition from plastic to live plants. Any thoughts on all over all?
So I found another tiger barb dead this morning. The only change(haven't done a water change in about a week) is that my redfin shark has starting to get a bit territorial. I cant give water parameters, as I haven't gotten around to getting a kit. But I'm down to about 12 tiger barbs(they are hard to count), 5 serpae tetras, 2 balloon mollies, 2 cory cats(I have more growing in another tank till they are bigger) a red fin shark, a pictus catfish(hence the cory cats) and a rubber nose pleco. In a 45 gallon tank. Dont know if this helps solve the mystery.

I have a java fern, and a umbrella leaf plant(from petsmart....not sure what the deal is with that). I decided today to get some moneywart to replace a plastic plant. Im trying to transition from plastic to live plants. Any thoughts on all over all?

The most likely culprit is the lack of a test kit. You have no idea what your water parameters are which 99% of the time are the reason fish die. Slight aggression to a tiger barb means nothing as they are used to being nipped and chased.

My suggestion, do a 50% water change and then go get a test kit.
I've found as the fish grew then I had to increase water changes each week. Just in case. I started at 10% and now do a bit over 30%.

Was the fish just dead next day or any info to shed light on it (eg runt of school, etc).
I would suggest to get the kit first and test the water you're using for WC's. (Either way a WC is imminent) You may find something in there (excessive nitrates) particularly if you're in a high agricultural or landscaped area where nitrate ferts are used in excess for plant growth. The primary source being surface runoff. It can often lead to algae blooms as well. Does your water ever appear cloudy ? Live plants should help in controlling the nitrate levels, perhaps adding a few more will be beneficial for you if high nitrate levels are the issue.

Also, how long has your tank been setup and running ? There could be other factors that without a test kit nobody could provide definitive answers and it would just be a guessing game.
My tank has been set up about 3 months now. It was initially cloudy, but has cleared up withing the first week or so. Its not crystal clear, but not cloudy by any stretch. I have brown algae growing on some of my fake plants. Im gonna do a water change in the morning, and will order an api test kit as well. My fish always seem well off, they dont gasp or swim listlessly etc, but have had 2 tiger barbs found randomly dead(not killed by another fish) win the last 2 weeks.
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