Random die off

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 1, 2011
Charleston, SC
Has this ever happened to anyone where ALL tanks suddenly show signs of stress?

My 110, 40(reef), 30, and 10 gallon tanks are all of a sudden uber stressed.

In my 110 I had a Colombian and a neon tetra die. Everyone is breathing rapidly. Parameters are 0,0,15. Saw the Colombian struggling to swim. Found the neon in the overflow. Both died this evening.

Did water changes on all tanks early this morning, everyone was fine this evening. This is very sudden.

Did 80% water changes in ALL tanks after discovery. My corals are ultra stressed out..
Are you on municipal supplies water? Maybe contact the local water department and ask them if they anything changed. Ask them to test your water as well.
Si. I am. I'll definetly do that tomorrow. First time I've had fish die in ages & it threw me for a loop.

Any ideas on why the reef as well? That is rodi
Just watch out if you spray any chemicals in the air (fresheners such as airwick or frebreeze) nearby the tanks.

Do keep us posted
Spoke with the water company was told "at this time we are not aware of any changes in the treatment process or problems in your area."

The next town over is under a boil advesory though.

Not too sure what is going on. The serpae tetras are struggling this morning for sure.
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