Rcc tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 11, 2013
Going to be setting up a rcc tank in a 10 gallon had a few questions about these guys because I've never dealt with them before. Do they need Uvbs? How many can you have in a 10 gallon? Can you use live plants with them that they won't eat? Any other basic helpful info about that or equipment would be great to know :)
I currently have 3 RCC's 2 female and 1 male in a 90g planted community.
They need air or will die! They will try to climb out to get it. I have found this Atlantis Underwater Islands - An underwater pocket of air for your crabs or newts These are great little bio-domes for the bottom of your tank attach to an air line for constant fresh air have an optional feeding tube to feed them in the habitat (crickets are fun), and come in multiple sizes you will need the smallest one for that size tank. My RCC's love it took some doing to get them to find and use it but they are almost a year old now. They will fight if you have more than one male so you know. They don't bother my plants, and will take care of any slow moving weak or fish like shrimp other than that mine don't bother anything else and they haven't even tried to climb out since.


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Ok sweet haha thanks. I was thinking about making it just for rcc's half land half water. I just wasn't sure how many I could have mostly I was thinking 2-3 females and one male. With plenty of hiding places. Making it look relatively natural but wasn't sure about a few things though
More about care for them to keep them 100% heathy and anything to watch for
They prefer brackish water. love crickets and shrimp. I have mine in the tank because they stink lol. My wife was the deciding factor in moving them so I bought a crabitat and moved them to the 90g. They frequent the habitat every 2 days for air and stay one at a time for quite a while. I feed them shrimp pellets daily with crickets as a treat when I am home, (I work in the oil/gas field geology) and am gone for a month or two at a time which is where I am now lol 10 more days and home bound. hope this helps and enjoy your crabs
Ok yea lol that's good to know. But one question i was reading and saw they come out of water to dry out to absorb calcium so does that mean I'd need a UVB bulb or and light work fine for them?
I don't have a uv bulb for mine the use the crabitat for fresh air and to dry out they will also eat thier shell when they molt for calcium. I add some to the water for extra measure when get close to molting
Ok so it's best to leave the molts in the tank?
Ok cool cool haha I'm pretty excited to do this tank I had a feeling they would prolly smell a bit
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